Friday, August 24, 2018

New Online Reading Series! (Tentative Start 9/2)

Update:   Sunday at 2PM U.S. East Coast time is now what's listed as the start.

Dov Zeller is starting a new reading series/salon for spoonies and those who have difficulty attending offline events!  I think our community could really benefit from things like this, and I've received updates directly from him as things progressed.

If you're interested, please get in contact with him via Twitter or fill out the survey below.  (I realize he mentions email as a way of contact, but I'm not listing his email address here because he hasn't cleared it.)

His email announcement follows:

Hi all,

I am writing because I am trying to start a "spoonie salon", a reading series and potentially some open mics and storytelling gatherings via video conferencing for spoonies and other people who struggle to attend offline events.

The first event is likely to be on Sept 2nd around noon East Coast U.S. time and as it will be tres experimental, I will likely be doing the reading and potentially another spoonie, a poet, will read as well. The gathering will happen via Zoom.

It would be wonderful if you could attend if you are able, whether you are a spoonie or no, because I would love feedback and support. That said, I am mainly sending this email in the hopes that you will share about the series (there is a tweet and a form linked below) with people you think might be interested in reading and/or attending.

All writers are welcome to contact me if they are interested in reading. I will soon have a more "official" submissions protocol, but for now, if people could just drop me an email and let me know a bit about their work, that would be great!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you are managing as well as can be.



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