Carey has been writing poetry since she was a teenager. She has published two poetry collections, Awakening to Holes in the Arc of Sun (Mule on a Ferris Wheel) and What it Means to Climb a Tree (Finishing Line Press). Her poetic sequence, I Walk a Tightrope Without a Safety Net was a finalist in the 2019 Blue Light Press Chapbook Contest. Carey's poems have appeared in Poem, The Birmingham Arts Journal, Birmingham Poetry Review, WLRH Sundial Writers Corner, Hospital Drive, and elsewhere.
Methods of correspondence: Email
Ann Stewart McBee - Short fiction/flash fiction/poetry (story development, putting a chapbook together, submitting, query letters)
Note: Her emphasis is flash fiction.

Methods of correspondence: Email
Sarah Krenicki - Short/Flash fiction (submitting, writing/editing, identifying places to submit to)

Sarah Krenicki writes short speculative fiction and has made attempts at poetry. Her fiction has been published in Syntax and Salt, Gemini Magazine, and Lumina. She studied English and Creative Writing in college and after a brief stint in insurance marketing, found her way to the nonprofit world. She lives in a yellow house with her husband and two noisy black cats, and she overthinks everything, including/especially this bio. Pisces/Slytherin/INFP, for those who want to optimize compatibility.
Methods of correspondence: Text, email, Facebook or Google Video chat
Su Zi - Literary and academic writing in a variety of forms (editing, development, chapbook organization)

Su Zi is equal parts writer, artist, and badass eco-feminist. She holds an MA in English and has published in such places as Driving Digest, Exquisite Corpse, and Blue Heron Review (where she was nominated for The Pushcart Prize). She resides in Florida with her horses, dogs, cats, and turtles where she runs The Red Mare Chapbook Series. Her newest collection #100TPC (Alien Buddha Press) was published in March.
Methods of correspondence: Twitter DM (another method may be agreed upon later)
Mentor for teenagers:
Jennifer Ruth Jackson - Literary and speculative flash fiction and poetry (editing, chapbook organization, market research/resource help)
Note: Jennifer has more poetry published than fiction.

Methods of correspondence: Email, Twitter DM, Facebook Messenger
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